Elizabeth Mesick » Classroom Rules and Procedures

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Our class has multiple procedures which we practice daily. We use American Sign Language for simple class words and commands, such as question, answer, yes, no, help, please, thank you, you're welcome, bathroom, water, and pencil. 
Of course, we follow the three R's of all Penns Valley Schools, but our class also decided on a set of Essential Agreements the first few days of school. We all agreed to follow them and signed them to show that we are prepared to have consequences if we are not able to stick to them. These rules include treating others the way we would like to be treated and agreeing to do our best each day. 
Finally, we have set expectations for use of our flexible classroom seating. Students have agreed to make the best choice for their learning, to treat the special seat the careful way we treat classroom supplies, and that I may move them if they are showing they need a different space.