Centre Hall Elementary School Home

Halloween Parade 2024

2nd Grade Students working on phonemic awareness

3rd Grade STEAM project: Making toys from "junk"

Kindergarten Field Trip to Wasson Farm

Kindergarten working hard on literacy

Gingerbread House Making!

Students taking donations to the firehall to support the flooding in the south.

Book Exchange

1st Grade students reading during book exchange

School Wide Expectations Assembly: PV RAMS!

Welcome Grandparents!

Kindergarten students having fun outside

3rd Graders decorating their gingerbread houses

4th Graders chowing down at lunch

Kindergarten Field Trip to Wasson Farm

STEAM activities!

Students on the Homecoming Float

1st Grade Student working hard on addition skills

Student practicing her fluency

4th Graders showing off their blue tongues!

Mrs. Kahler getting some Daisy love

Book exchange

A wagon full of supplies to donate to support the floods in the south

Upcoming Events
CHE STEAM & Community Night
Recent News
Safe School Helpline
improve the overall safety and well-being of our students and staff. To do this, we believe we must
partner with community-wide programs and initiatives involving parents, teachers, administrators, local
law enforcement, mental health and wellness professionals.