Heather Kahler » Flexible Instructional Days

Flexible Instructional Days

Flexible Instructional Days may be used in place of Inclement Weather days this year.  On Flexible Instructional Days, our district's Superintendent, Dr. Griffith, will decide if and when to use remote learning to count as a school day (in place of making up the day later in the school year). 
If a Flexible Instructional Day is being used, AND you have internet access, your child will need to sign into our zoom session for Reading and Math.  Attendance will be taken based on being present in the Zoom sessions. Our instructional day will occur from 8:20am to 9:20am for Math and 1pm to 2pm for English Language Arts
My zoom link will be posted on your child's school iPad cover and will also be listed on Kahler's Crew Learning at Home/FID newsletter. Zoom codes for additional Support Staff will also be provided on the newsletter.
If your child receives additional support services, those teacher(s) will also be providing instruction on the Inclement Weather Days. Also, our Specialist will be providing lessons through Zoom during their regularly scheduled time. For our homeroom, Specials occur from 10:45am to 11:20am on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday; and from 10:50am to 11:25am on Friday. Please refer to your child's Take Home Folder for the Specials schedule. Students will attend the Special from the prior day on FID days.
*If your family has limited internet access, prior communication needs to be established for paper/pencil assignments to be sent home ahead of time.  All completed assignments must be submitted within the next two school days upon returning to the physical building. Attendance will be counted for all work completed within the 3 days.